Les Chaises par Eugène Ionesco
Director: Zoë Comeau
Costume designer: Taylor Cotie-Mullenger
Administrative help: Mélodie Jacquot-Paratte
Tech: Jennifer Wyatt
La vieille - Marianne Labrie
Le vieux - Olivier Blais
L'Orateur - Zoë Comeau
Les Chaises:
The Théâtre DesAssimilés had the pleasure of undertaking the tragic farce written by a giant of the absurd, Eugène Ionesco. They had the chance to present it 4 times. Once for a few CSAP francophone schools and three times in front of an audience (at the Bus Stop Theatre, and at the Marc Lescarbot Theatre at St. Anne's University)
The Garlic Eaters by Thibault Jacquot-Paratte
Director: Thibault Jacquot-Paratte
Costume designer: Taylor Cotie-Mullenger
Administrative help: Mélodie Jacquot-Paratte
Tech: Alexandre Pirottin
Femme - Lily Swim
Homme 1 - Olivier Blais
Homme 2 - Florant Guéret
The Garlic Eaters:
Théâtre DesAssimilés began Première Acte with an absurdist play written and directed by Thibault Jacquot-Paratte. This is the first time that TD.A has incorporated English subtitles in order to make the play accessible to English-speaking audiences in Nova Scotia. Les Mangeurs D'ail was presented at the Bus Stop Theatre.
Mentire by Louis-Dominique Lavigne and Robert Bellefeuille
Director: Zoë Comeau
Costume designer: Taylor Cotie-Mullenger
Filming: Alexandre Pirottin and Valentin Alfano
Tech: Olivier BLais
Harlequin - Jérémie Boudreau
Madame Pantalone - Mélodie Couturier
Madame Dottore - Véronique Côté
Tartaglia - Renaud Blais
Le Capitaine - Yannick Laplante
Théâtre DesAssimilés finishes Première Acte with the traditional Commedia dell'arte style play, Mentire. Wanting to be as accessible and safe as possible, the play is filmed at the Lunenburg Opera House. This play explores the possibilities of filmed theatre, unconventional technique and accessibility with subtitles for the filmed version.